Even with the enormous rise of e-book sales on Kindles and iPads, brick-and-mortar bookshops are selling board-and-paper books at record rates. According to Julie Bosman, writing in the New York Times today, Amazon is reporting holiday sales up 10.9% and some independents are reporting sales up 30%.
“This year so far, it’s been the year of nonfiction,” said Peter Aaron, owner of the Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle, citing “The Beauty and the Sorrow,” a history of World War I by Peter Englund, and “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, an exploration of thinking and intuition. “What’s extraordinary about the books that are out there is that they’ve been so well written and such a pleasure to read. Maybe people have an appetite for nonfiction right now, just for some sort of grounding in reality.”