With all the amazing technological advances of the early 20th Century, the changes companies went through were around products but not so much around the way people work. But the technological advances of the past 20 years have done the opposite: the products are less important than the effect they’ve had our the ways in which we work, the ways we communicate; even the ways we think.
How can you keep your organization and your culture viable and relevant as we head into new and uncharted territory?
After years of studying and working with leaders (the good, the bad and the not-so-great), and after a two-year case study of one the world’s great companies (Tata Group, published in Nanovation), Dain has something to offer your team.
- Someone, right now in your industry, is developing a product or service that will radically disrupt your value chain. Why can’t that someone be you?
- What would happen if you and your team could reinvent your industry and turn the status quo on its ear?
- How often do you pass on great ideas as impractical, only to see someone else make it a winner?
- What if you were recognized as the most innovative and effective company in your sector?
- What if you were the place the smartest people wanted to work?
For a global technology company,
moving from a product-based business model to a services-led model, Dain is helping them reposition their culture and internal communications to reflect their thought-leader role in the world of managed document services. Leadership changes over the past few years meant a serious credibility challenge for the new team and Dain helped them with Leadership Presence and a focus on clarity of purpose. The result is a rapid cultural alignment and great excitement on the street.
For a leading non-profit hospital company,
Dain understood the need for cultural change as a new CEO readied for his inauguration and needed to roll out a redefined vision for the company’s future while still staying true to its deep historical roots and values. Dain studied their long-term strategy and helped the new CEO and his team translate that into a culture that will be ready to deliver world-changing patient care to families they could never serve before.
For a leader in oncology innovation,
Dain asked this question, “Where is your company going in the next two years and what are the gaps in your culture that will keep you from getting there?” From there, Dain is leading a team of communicators and consultants – along with the company leadership – on a two year journey to build a culture of innovation that will blow the doors off the industry’s expectation of what a pharma sales organization can be.
Talk to Dain about building a CULTURE OF INNOVATION.